Get Assessed
Adventurous Activity Permits are technically assessed by an Activity Assessor (either in GME or elsewhere in the UK) and then approved by your District Lead Volunteer.
To gain a permit you need:
To complete a permit application form* requesting the level of permit and any restrictions you’d like. See below for downloads.
A log of your recent experience of the activity - both personal experience and leading & shadowing group sessions. Ideally the assessor would like the last 3 - 5 years of logged activity.
A session plan or route plan for the level of permit you’re applying for.
A specific risk assessment for the activity planned above, eg for a Hillwalking Terrain 2 Supervision Permit, please attach the route plan and risk assessment including the remote supervision.
A National Governing Body certificate, if that is appropriate to the permit you’re applying for.
A current first aid certificate.
When this is complete, please send the above to and the team will contact you about a technical assessment when your application has been reviewed.
If you hold a National Governing Body qualification that covers the level you are applying for, then the assessment might just be a phone or video conversation to ensure you understand the Scout rules and POR requirements.
Where a physical assessment is required, an assessor will arrange that directly with you. For some activities the assessor might wait until two or more candidates are ready for assessment and arrange a date that suits everyone. In others, the assessor might ask you to organise a group activity with your section and they will assess you running that activity.
On completion of your technical assessment, you can upload the application to the digital system, selecting the assessor you’ve been working with, and the assessor will approve their sections. It will then be passed to your District Lead Volunteer, to approve and issue.
If you have an assessment with an assessor outside of GME Scouts, the same information will be required, and that assessor will ask you to upload it to the digital system for them to approve, and pass to your DLV to issue in the same way.
For renewals, the same process should be followed, using the Renewals form. The applicant will need an up to date activity log, a risk assessment for the activity and current first aid.
If you have any questions regarding this process, the information required or would like advice about the activity or the level of permit you’re applying for, then please don’t hesitate to contact the activities team for advice or a chat - email
In the meantime, enjoy your activities and we look forward to seeing you for an assessment when you’re ready!
*This will eventually be superseded by the new digital membership system, but currently it doesn’t collect the correct information at the beginning of the process.
Permit Application Forms:
To renew any permits please use this permit renewal form.